
CALORIE MATE × STUDY CAST “Let us move forward, embracing everything as nourishment for growth. ”Encounters and turning points beyond your imagination are awaiting you in the future. Step forward, accompanied by your peers, one step at a time.●Campaign: A special Calorie Mate box will be presented to 100 lucky winners by lottery. Additionally, 20 winners will receive a handwritten message. ●Purpose: For diligent students preparing for exams, who need to carefully manage their health. It offers a balanced intake of the five essential nutrients. ●Event: A group study session event where you can learn with your peers. [Ambassador 1] Haichi will host a live event on December 1st. [Ambassador 2] Iyupi will release a collaboration video and original stamp on December 14th. ●Special Room: The “Limited-Time Calorie Mate Immersive Room” is now open. Exclusive stamps are available for use. Accessible until Friday, January 31st, 2025. [How to use] 01. Open the app 02. Select the tab 03. Enter ●Webinar: Exam Support Webinars supported by Calorie Mate. [Webinar 1: Pre-Unified Test Seminar] Date and Time: Saturday, November 30th, 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM. [Webinar 2: Last-Minute Strategies for University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, and Medical School Exams] Date and Time: Saturday, December 7th, 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM. [Webinar 3: Expanding Your Future Horizons with Overseas Options Route H info session] Date and Time: Sunday, December 15th, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM. [Target audience] Middle school and high school students, and their parents or guardians.CALORIE MATE × STUDY CAST “Let us move forward, embracing everything as nourishment for growth. ”Encounters and turning points beyond your imagination are awaiting you in the future. Step forward, accompanied by your peers, one step at a time.●Campaign: A special Calorie Mate box will be presented to 100 lucky winners by lottery. Additionally, 20 winners will receive a handwritten message. ●Purpose: For diligent students preparing for exams, who need to carefully manage their health. It offers a balanced intake of the five essential nutrients. ●Event: A group study session event where you can learn with your peers. [Ambassador 1] Haichi will host a live event on December 1st. [Ambassador 2] Iyupi will release a collaboration video and original stamp on December 14th. ●Special Room: The “Limited-Time Calorie Mate Immersive Room” is now open. Exclusive stamps are available for use. Accessible until Friday, January 31st, 2025. [How to use] 01. Open the app 02. Select the tab 03. Enter ●Webinar: Exam Support Webinars supported by Calorie Mate. [Webinar 1: Pre-Unified Test Seminar] Date and Time: Saturday, November 30th, 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM. [Webinar 2: Last-Minute Strategies for University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, and Medical School Exams] Date and Time: Saturday, December 7th, 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM. [Webinar 3: Expanding Your Future Horizons with Overseas Options Route H info session] Date and Time: Sunday, December 15th, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM. [Target audience] Middle school and high school students, and their parents or guardians.CALORIE MATE × STUDY CAST “Let us move forward, embracing everything as nourishment for growth. ”Encounters and turning points beyond your imagination are awaiting you in the future. Step forward, accompanied by your peers, one step at a time.●Campaign: A special Calorie Mate box will be presented to 100 lucky winners by lottery. Additionally, 20 winners will receive a handwritten message. ●Purpose: For diligent students preparing for exams, who need to carefully manage their health. It offers a balanced intake of the five essential nutrients. ●Event: A group study session event where you can learn with your peers. [Ambassador 1] Haichi will host a live event on December 1st. [Ambassador 2] Iyupi will release a collaboration video and original stamp on December 14th. ●Special Room: The “Limited-Time Calorie Mate Immersive Room” is now open. Exclusive stamps are available for use. Accessible until Friday, January 31st, 2025. [How to use] 01. Open the app 02. Select the tab 03. Enter ●Webinar: Exam Support Webinars supported by Calorie Mate. [Webinar 1: Pre-Unified Test Seminar] Date and Time: Saturday, November 30th, 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM. [Webinar 2: Last-Minute Strategies for University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, and Medical School Exams] Date and Time: Saturday, December 7th, 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM. [Webinar 3: Expanding Your Future Horizons with Overseas Options Route H info session] Date and Time: Sunday, December 15th, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM. [Target audience] Middle school and high school students, and their parents or guardians.CALORIE MATE × STUDY CAST “Let us move forward, embracing everything as nourishment for growth. ”Encounters and turning points beyond your imagination are awaiting you in the future. Step forward, accompanied by your peers, one step at a time.●Campaign: A special Calorie Mate box will be presented to 100 lucky winners by lottery. Additionally, 20 winners will receive a handwritten message. ●Purpose: For diligent students preparing for exams, who need to carefully manage their health. It offers a balanced intake of the five essential nutrients. ●Event: A group study session event where you can learn with your peers. [Ambassador 1] Haichi will host a live event on December 1st. [Ambassador 2] Iyupi will release a collaboration video and original stamp on December 14th. ●Special Room: The “Limited-Time Calorie Mate Immersive Room” is now open. Exclusive stamps are available for use. Accessible until Friday, January 31st, 2025. [How to use] 01. Open the app 02. Select the tab 03. Enter ●Webinar: Exam Support Webinars supported by Calorie Mate. [Webinar 1: Pre-Unified Test Seminar] Date and Time: Saturday, November 30th, 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM. [Webinar 2: Last-Minute Strategies for University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, and Medical School Exams] Date and Time: Saturday, December 7th, 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM. [Webinar 3: Expanding Your Future Horizons with Overseas Options Route H info session] Date and Time: Sunday, December 15th, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM. [Target audience] Middle school and high school students, and their parents or guardians.CALORIE MATE × STUDY CAST “Let us move forward, embracing everything as nourishment for growth. ”Encounters and turning points beyond your imagination are awaiting you in the future. Step forward, accompanied by your peers, one step at a time.●Campaign: A special Calorie Mate box will be presented to 100 lucky winners by lottery. Additionally, 20 winners will receive a handwritten message. ●Purpose: For diligent students preparing for exams, who need to carefully manage their health. It offers a balanced intake of the five essential nutrients. ●Event: A group study session event where you can learn with your peers. [Ambassador 1] Haichi will host a live event on December 1st. [Ambassador 2] Iyupi will release a collaboration video and original stamp on December 14th. ●Special Room: The “Limited-Time Calorie Mate Immersive Room” is now open. Exclusive stamps are available for use. Accessible until Friday, January 31st, 2025. [How to use] 01. Open the app 02. Select the tab 03. Enter ●Webinar: Exam Support Webinars supported by Calorie Mate. [Webinar 1: Pre-Unified Test Seminar] Date and Time: Saturday, November 30th, 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM. [Webinar 2: Last-Minute Strategies for University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, and Medical School Exams] Date and Time: Saturday, December 7th, 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM. [Webinar 3: Expanding Your Future Horizons with Overseas Options Route H info session] Date and Time: Sunday, December 15th, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM. [Target audience] Middle school and high school students, and their parents or guardians.

BALANCED FOOD Calorie Mate × StudyCast



抽選で100名様に カロリーメイト スペシャル ボックスをプレゼント!


日々の勉強に対する想いや、カロリーメイトとの思い出などを回答すると、カロリーメイト スペシャルボックスが当たる!さらに、20名様にはイベントアンバサダー(葉一さん or いゆぴさん)の直筆メッセージつき!

カロリーメイト スペシャルボックス内容
■カロリーメイト ブロック(4本入り)×3種(バニラ味、チョコレート味、チーズ味 各1個)
■カロリーメイト リキッド×2種(カフェオレ味、フルーツミックス味 各1本)
■カロリーメイト ゼリー×2種(アップル味、ライム&グレープフルーツ味 各1袋)

目標に向かって 頑張る受験生のこんなシーンを 栄養でサポート

  • シーン 1

    食べごたえのある ブロックタイプ


  • シーン 2

    やさしいのどごし ゼリータイプ


  • シーン 3

    さらっと飲みやすい リキッドタイプ





※1 ビタミンA・B1・B2・B6・B12・C・D・E、ナイアシン、パントテン酸、葉酸。ゼリーはビタミンCを除く ※2 カルシウム、鉄、マグネシウム、ナトリウム、リン。ゼリーは鉄を除く ※3 一日に必要な量は「栄養素等表示基準値」をもとにしています


期間限定の「カロリーメイト 没頭ルーム」に入ってみんなと勉強しよう!イベントアンバサダーとのコラボコンテンツも公開。





■ ライブ勉強会に参加しよう!





■ 動画をチェックして勉強会に参加しよう!
【勉強会日程】 12月11日(水)20時~21時/12月17日(火)20時~21時
Special Room




1. StudyCast(スタキャス)を開く

2. ルームタブを選択
3. 「カロリーメイト 没頭ルーム」をタップして入室しよう!



「ベネッセのオンライン塾」が「受験応援ウェビナー supported by カロリーメイト」を開催!受験に向けた学習法、本番に向けてのお勧めルーティンから、受験のその先の未来を見据えた3本立て。



11月30日(土) 20:00〜21:00
中島 克弥(お茶ゼミ√+(ルータス))ほか



12月7日(土) 17:30〜18:30

将来の可能性を広げる海外という選択肢 ~Route H info session~


12月15日(日) 11:00〜12:30
Route H担当者、ハーバード大現役生、ロンドン大(UCL)現役生、オーバリン大現役生ほか

抽選で100名様に カロリーメイト スペシャル ボックスをプレゼント!


日々の勉強に対する想いや、カロリーメイトとの思い出などを回答すると、カロリーメイト スペシャルボックスが当たる!さらに、20名様にはイベントアンバサダー(葉一さん or いゆぴさん)の直筆メッセージつき!

カロリーメイト スペシャルボックス内容
■カロリーメイト ブロック(4本入り)×3種(バニラ味、チョコレート味、チーズ味 各1個)
■カロリーメイト リキッド×2種(カフェオレ味、フルーツミックス味 各1本)
■カロリーメイト ゼリー×2種(アップル味、ライム&グレープフルーツ味 各1袋)
